Friday, July 28, 2017

Top 3 Twitter Engagement Tactics To Boost Brand Exposure

Top 3 Twitter Engagement Tactics To Boost Brand Exposure

What is “Twitter Engagement”? Well, it’s a process wherein someone engages with your post, which can be accomplished in multiple ways like favoriting, retweeting, and responding to your tweet, or clicking through the link on your post. One statistic show that 15% of users will mostly likely unfollow a brand within three weeks if  it hasn’t made enough and solid effort to keep users engaged early on.

Additionally, posts with images are 34% more likely to get retweeted compared to those that don’t contain images. And character count also has a huge factor in customer engagement. Did you know that a hashtag with 11 or more characters have 117% chance of getting retweeted than hashtags with 6-10 characters. This statistic alone is a sure-fire proof that this platform can help bring in more engaged users into your business.

How To Boost Brand Exposure

Internet Marketing AlbanyBefore we dig into the engagement tactics to boost your business, it’s important to know how Twitter Engagement is calculated. When measuring your engagement results, there are four main elements that are considered and added together in a given report period. These are the:

  • Replies (counted when your handle is used at the beginning of a reply),
  • Retweets (when a follower shares your post),
  • Mentions (when a user includes your handle in a post), and
  • Likes (when a user clicks the heart icon).

So, how do you get favorable numbers for all four elements? Here’s how…

Memes and GIFs To Show Personality

Adding memes and GIFs occasionally will help turn a plain text into a fun and interesting post that makes it harder for viewers to scroll past. It is one way of showing your company’s personality while initiating customer engagement. It’s also now a popular marketing strategy for many top companies. Here are a few tips to maximize the results using this tactic:

1.Use real-life pictures of employees within the company. Compared to memes found floating around the internet, employee pictures give a personal feel and helps build the story behind your brand.
2.GIFs are great at promoting special offers and events.
3.Use the correct sizing for both media and add a witty or catchy caption.

Post Standalone Graphics

Standalone graphics are images that provides information to audiences without the need to link to a page or site for support. It can offer bits of information about your product or brand, plus a popular quote or statement from a well-known personality. Standalone graphics has been proven to increase retweets by 19%. At Neovora, we have a list of marketing tactics for different social media platforms.

Here’s how you can achieve remarkable results using graphical posts:

1.Use a graphic text that provides quick but easily understandable information.
2.Take small pieces of information from your blogs to add into your graphic.
3.Use tools like Canva (or outsource the job) to create the content.


Share Content From Other Sources

Did you know that sharing the content of others is one of the best ways to show flexibility? It’s one way of letting your audience know that your posts aren’t all about your business, and that you value the work of others enough to share it on your feed. This tactics is content curation, and 82% of marketers curate content. It gives your followers a wider range of content material and better viewing experience. To make this tactic work, you need to:

  1. Find the best content, one that you enjoy and one with a topic that your audience often talks about. Find something that is informative and helpful.
  2. Share content from influencers. Choose content from the leaders in your industry to help establish a connection with them and with your target market. We recently shared a post on how to do this… click here to learn more.
  3. Plan out the materials you want to curate for consistency.

The post Top 3 Twitter Engagement Tactics To Boost Brand Exposure appeared first on Neovora.

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